Our vision of wealth extends far beyond the boundaries of the stock market. Read on to discover our observations, explanations, and experiences in helping individuals, families, and foundations build enduring wealth.
Archived Articles
Bull or Bear?
April 11, 2024
What to expect in Q2
As we head into Q2 2024, many investors continue to set their sights on whether the Fed will finally begin to reduce interest rates to more consumer-friendly levels.  While the Fed’s action does play an important role in the di...
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Tax-wise investing
March 22, 2024
Protecting your wealth all year long
Growing and protecting your wealth is our primary mission at LCM.  And while wise investing is a skill in which we take great pride, with Tax Day just around the corner, we thought it would be the perfect time to share some of ...
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Alternative Investments
February 16, 2024
Our new eBook offers info and insights
Curious about alternative investments? You’re not alone. Long touted for their ability to increase diversification in investment portfolios, alternative investments are also known for helping to reduce risk amid volatile markets, ...
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Bonds Explained
March 3, 2023
Why we (still) believe in bonds
Bonds have gotten a bad rap lately. It’s understandable. Last year was a terrible year for the bond market, with the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, the key benchmark for bond returns, posting a painful 13% loss. And while t...
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Riding out the turbulence
December 23, 2022
The ‘Santa Claus Rally’ is something investors have learned to hope for every year. As illogical as it sounds, this rally appears in the weeks leading up to December 25, and it often brings a nice bump in gains for the end...
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Inflation, Interest Rates &...
June 27, 2022
The Fed's Fight Against Inflation
Last Wednesday, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell told the press that the central bank is “strongly committed” to bringing down inflation, and that he believes the Fed can do just that using its monetary policy tools. In other words, the...
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ESG Investing
April 22, 2022
The time is now
The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970—a time when society was just beginning to focus on the negative impacts of human behavior on the environment. The goal: to inspire all Americans to take action to reduce air and water p...
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The Truth About Volatility
March 1, 2022
4 facts to help smooth the bumps ahead
As the calendar flipped to a new year in 2022, the stage was already set for increased market volatility. Since January 1, measures of year-over-year inflation have been reported at levels higher than we’ve seen in decades, the F...
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The Facts on Inflation
August 25, 2021
Inflation is coming! Should investors be worried?
Do you remember when the Fed was desperately seeking to boost inflation to a ‘healthy norm’ of 2%? Achieving that goal was Janet Yellen’s mission for years. Thanks to a confluence of factors—including money printing, deficit spend...
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The Art of Balance
May 21, 2021
Rebalancing to keep your portfolio afloat
If you’ve ever tried your hand at using a stand up paddleboard—or SUP—you know how important balance can be. One small shift of your weight in the wrong direction and you’re paddling in the water instead of on it. You also know ho...
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