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Archived Articles
Bull or Bear?
April 11, 2024
What to expect in Q2
As we head into Q2 2024, many investors continue to set their sights on whether the Fed will finally begin to reduce interest rates to more consumer-friendly levels.  While the Fed’s action does play an important role in the di...
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A year of surprises &...
January 24, 2024
2023 market review and outlook
At the start of each new year, it’s always wise to look in the rearview mirror to understand how we got where we are today and, importantly, where the economy, markets, and all things financial may be headed in the coming year. C...
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Focus on what you can control
September 29, 2022
Consumers and investors tend to abhor recessions and bear markets. The media, on the other hand, almost always adore them. The reason, of course, is ratings. The more dramatic the markets, the more people tend to tune in. During...
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Inflation, Interest Rates &...
June 27, 2022
The Fed's Fight Against Inflation
Last Wednesday, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell told the press that the central bank is “strongly committed” to bringing down inflation, and that he believes the Fed can do just that using its monetary policy tools. In other words, the...
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