Our vision of wealth extends far beyond the boundaries of the stock market. Read on to discover our observations, explanations, and experiences in helping individuals, families, and foundations build enduring wealth.
Archived Articles
Cheers to 20 years!
October 26, 2022
October marks a milestone
Back in March, we announced that 2022 marked 20 years of impact at Leisure Capital Management. This month makes it official. We opened our doors on October 1, 2002. Since then, we’ve only grown stronger. Our team has tripled from ...
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Focus on what you can control
September 29, 2022
Consumers and investors tend to abhor recessions and bear markets. The media, on the other hand, almost always adore them. The reason, of course, is ratings. The more dramatic the markets, the more people tend to tune in. During...
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IRS Rule Change adds Flexibility...
August 31, 2022
New tax rule helps protect family wealth
There’s no doubt about it: estate planning can be complicated! Even with the guidance of a trusted estate planning attorney and a CPA, tackling all the right things at exactly the right time can be challenging—especially amid the ...
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Keep your data safe!
August 2, 2022
Tips and tricks for an ever-evolving cybersecurity threat landscape
Advancements in technology can be wonderful, often making our lives easier in many ways. These days, thanks to smart phones, it’s difficult to remember when meeting a friend for dinner required major coordination and navigation, o...
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Inflation, Interest Rates &...
June 27, 2022
The Fed's Fight Against Inflation
Last Wednesday, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell told the press that the central bank is “strongly committed” to bringing down inflation, and that he believes the Fed can do just that using its monetary policy tools. In other words, the...
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Trend Following
May 27, 2022
Putting trends to task
Did you catch this article in the LA Times Image magazine (cleverly titled ‘Carpet diem’ in the print version!)? The topic: the unlikely return of a once-despised design element: wall-to-wall carpet. Surprised? Probably not. The e...
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ESG Investing
April 22, 2022
The time is now
The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970—a time when society was just beginning to focus on the negative impacts of human behavior on the environment. The goal: to inspire all Americans to take action to reduce air and water p...
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Cheers to 20 years!
March 31, 2022
Celebrating 20 years of impact
It’s often said that if you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life. It’s no wonder, then, that 20 years have passed so quickly! It seems like yesterday that Gideon, Ray, and I first sat down together to explore the id...
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The Truth About Volatility
March 1, 2022
4 facts to help smooth the bumps ahead
As the calendar flipped to a new year in 2022, the stage was already set for increased market volatility. Since January 1, measures of year-over-year inflation have been reported at levels higher than we’ve seen in decades, the F...
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Buckle Your Seatbelt
January 26, 2022
Inflation Update
When I wrote about inflation in our August 2021 newsletter, I was not overly concerned about the near-term impact on the economy or our portfolios. At the time, the market consensus, which we agreed with, was that “the current hik...
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