Our vision of wealth extends far beyond the boundaries of the stock market. Read on to discover our observations, explanations, and experiences in helping individuals, families, and foundations build enduring wealth.
For years, charitable giving has been one of my personal passions. I currently serve as a board member for and advise numerous private family foundations, and I have served as Chairman of the Board for a local community...
If Gideon Bernstein has one theme in life, it is surely ‘giving.’ A founding partner of Leisure Capital Management and our Chief Investment Officer, he spends many of his days helping our clients grow and protect their wealth. Muc...
Thanksgiving is a traditional time to both give thanks and to give to others. Building on that sentiment, GivingTuesday was created in 2012 to encourage people to do good and give generously on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. The ...
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, I decided to write a book about charitable giving. As I’ve watched people everywhere respond to the global call to help others, two things have become glaringly clear to me. First, that i...
"When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully,
everyone is blessed."
— Maya Angelou
It’s been a tough year. That’s putting it mildly. Though while there have been many challenges that have come with th...
The CARES Act can boost your giving power
The coronavirus has been devastating for individuals, businesses, and communities the world over. And yet one shining light throughout the pandemic has been the outpouring of love and...